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Baby´s room. ideas and projects for nurseries



Preparing a nursery may be a parents most joyful and meaningful decorating project ever. Filled with visions of the newborn swathed in soft blankets and tucked in a crib with a rocker at the ready, its easy to feel excited-and to be completely overwhelmed. Enter Babys Room. In the same winning format as Kids Rooms, this inspirational book shows that decorating and furnishing a room for a newborn need not be difficult or expensive. Author Jessica Strand offers practical counsel on all the elements of room layout-everything from furniture and fixtures to lighting and window treatments.


  • ISBN: 0811832937
  • Páginas: 156
  • Tamaño: 23X23
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2002

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Contenido Baby´s room. ideas and projects for nurseries

 Preparing a nursery may be a parents most joyful and meaningful decorating project ever. Filled with visions of the newborn swathed in soft blankets and tucked in a crib with a rocker at the ready, its easy to feel excited-and to be completely overwhelmed. Enter Babys Room. In the same winning format as Kids Rooms, this inspirational book shows that decorating and furnishing a room for a newborn need not be difficult or expensive. Author Jessica Strand offers practical counsel on all the elements of room layout-everything from furniture and fixtures to lighting and window treatments. Color choices, fabrics, and themes are also explored, along with baby-friendly storage systems. To help parents visualize the possibilities, Babys Room showcases ten innovative nurseries that blend form and function with charm and creativity. With a comprehensive source list, easy make-it-yourself projects, and colorful photographs throughout, Babys Room delivers-everything but baby!

Jessica Strand has written food and restaurant columns for the Los Angeles Times and contributes to numerous publications, including Wine & Spirits, In Style, and Australian Vogue Entertaining & Travel. She is the author of several books, including Holiday Cocktails (0-8118-4157-X) and Intimate Gatherings. She lives in Los Angeles.

Jennifer Levy is a New York-based photographer specializing in design, lifestyle, and food photography. Her work has appeared in many magazines and books, including Kids Rooms.

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