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The stencilled home. 13 themed room styles



This beginners' guide to stencilling features rooms from the author's Georgian farmhouse, each one decorated in a distinctive period or style. Each chapter focuses on one of the rooms and includes a description of its stencil elements, colour photographs of the interior, a step by step project sequence exploring an individual stencilling technique, and a stencil pack to trace from the page.


  • ISBN: 0879519150
  • Páginas: 144
  • Tamaño: 21X27
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 1999

Disponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido The stencilled home. 13 themed room styles

This beginners' guide to stencilling features rooms from the author's Georgian farmhouse, each one decorated in a distinctive period or style. Each chapter focuses on one of the rooms and includes a description of its stencil elements, colour photographs of the interior, a step by step project sequence exploring an individual stencilling technique, and a stencil pack to trace from the page. The 12 themed styles include the honeysuckle kitchen; Indian Raj room; panelled room; blue and white Wedgewood dining room; Islamic bedroom; Chinoiserie bedroom; den; contemporary bathroom; Grecian hallway; Gustavian bedroom; and Napoleon's room.

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