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Bungalow nation



Built mostly during the first quarter of the 20th century, bungalows have been experiencing a kind of renaissance amongst today's homeowners--especially the first-timers. In this celebration of the architectural form, Maddex (American Bungalow Style)


  • ISBN: 0810946289
  • Páginas: 240
  • Tamaño: 24X24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2003

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Contenido Bungalow nation

Built mostly during the first quarter of the 20th century, bungalows have been experiencing a kind of renaissance amongst today's homeowners--especially the first-timers. In this celebration of the architectural form, Maddex (American Bungalow Style) visits 75 bungalows throughout the country, including L.A., Seattle, Chicago and D.C. Hers is a warmly told history, which guides the reader from neighborhood to neighborhood and introduces them to the bungalow's many architectural styles--from Federal to Arts & Craft to Spanish. She explains that bungalows were originally""designed for California's outdoor lifestyle,"" but eventually,""Sears, Montgomery Ward, Aladdin, Gordon Van-Tine, Lewis Homes and others all made bungalows a mainstay among their ready-to-assemble houses."" In subsequent chapters, she explores the better-known bungalow architects, such as California's Ellsworth Storey and Seattle's Willatsen and Byrne. Beautiful photos by Vertikoff enable the reader to fully experience the quaint charm of the bungalow exterior, and the warmth of the its wood-detailed interiors and light-filled kitchen nooks.

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