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The tranquil home



Maybe you can't do anything about your frenetic workplace, noisy shopping mall, or congested streets, but you can make your home a place of serenity and relaxation. To turn your living spaces into a center of calm, start by leafing through these beautiful photos that show what truly tranquil rooms look like.


  • ISBN: 0806971010
  • Páginas: 160
  • Tamaño: 20x25
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2003

Disponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido The tranquil home

Maybe you can't do anything about your frenetic workplace, noisy shopping mall, or congested streets, but you can make your home a place of serenity and relaxation. To turn your living spaces into a center of calm, start by leafing through these beautiful photos that show what truly tranquil rooms look like. The secret is to bring the harmonies of nature into your life by blending wood, fire, earth, water, and metal in proper balance. Follow the helpful guide to taking a house tour inventory of the items that represent each element, and note whether a particular room contains too much of a good thing. Then choose among the many simple projects to restore nature's balance. A sampling: furniture decorated with designs from nature, wall mosaics, plants and flowers, indoor and outdoor fountains, natural bath products, candles, natural room fresheners, wind chimes.

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